By B K Holder
native civilization and created the universe we live in today. The story blends science and religion to explain common myths in a simple manner from the perspective of someone who was there when it happened and has first hand knowledge. The explanations have fact with a blend of fiction to have the reader scratch their head and think it may be true. Others may find it as an answer and accept it as fact. Mixed with these explanations are the story of the first angel going to earth as requested by his father to live with humans for a perspective of the current state of humanity.
The author made major contributions to the shape of humans and how they behave. As he was leaving Good Old Dad, or GOD as we know him gave him a thumbs up and with a smile said “Experience it!!”. He settled on West Texas as a home and goes to work in the oil industry. He gets married, has a child, and experienced the highs and lows of living as a human. Over time, he figures
out why he was sent to earth. By 2020 humanity had taken a wrong turn and he was the one to blame.
BK Holder is a native Texan with over 40 years experience in the oil and gas service industry. A downturn in the oil industry followed by the Covid disaster left him without job for the first time. The cold reality was, at his age, this exit may be permanent. To soothe his creative mind he began writing a short story that extended into a novel. The sequel is written and work on the third book in the series is almost complete. The success of this book will determine if the others are published. The freedom to imagine and write without rules was relaxing and rewarding. The author hopes you enjoy the journey into his thoughts and perspectives. The intent is a little humor and intrigue that provokes thought, along with the adventure a novel can bring and possibly a new perspective. Please keep in mind the book was written by the main character who is older than the universe, but doesn’t look a day over 19 when he arrives on earth. It takes a certain speed and pentameter to make the story come to life. Some people may not have it.
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